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Master Administrator's Guide


Master Administrator's Guide

Updated March 2012

This is a step-by-step "tool guide" for use of tcConference Master Server Administrators. This guide is meant for individuals responsible for the overall administration of the eConference environment; such persons can add, edit, and delete Community Servers. Intended audience: This article outlines Master Administration functions. The primary audience is individuals with the responsibility of defining and maintaining virtual Servers. Typically, this is Talking Communities' responsibility.

To log into the administration utility, you will need the User Name, Master Administration password, and the Administration URL link. That information is available from the Systems Administrator. As a Master Administrator, you have the ability to create, edit, and delete Virtual Servers.

Login to Master Administration

  1. Start your web browser and type (or cut and paste) the Administration URL link ("admin_url/masteradmin") into the browser address and press Enter.
  2. The login form will display.
  3. Virtual Server Logon Form

  4. Type in the Password and click the Login Button.
  5. The Master Administration form will display. This form will display Virtual Servers that have been created; initially, of course, there will be none shown. After one or more Virtual Servers have been created, a list (row) will appear, displaying the Server IDs, the contact information for the Virtual Server owner (name and email address), the expiry date, the current and maximum connections for each server (the first number is the current connections). Finally, options to delete or edit Virtual Servers are provided. The option to create a new Virtual Server is included on this form.
  6. Master Administration List

Creating a New Virtual Server

Ensure that you are at the Master Administration main form.
  1. Click on the New Dedicated Virtual Server button.
  2. The Master Administration - New Server form will display. The form includes the fields needed to create a new Virtual Server. Some fields are populated with default values by the system, and may be modified.
  3. Master Administration Virtual Server Create

  4. Add the information for the new Virtual Server.
    • Owner Name: Type the name of the Virtual Server Owner.
    • Owner Email: Insert the email address of the new Virtual Server owner.
    • Owner Phone: Indicate the phone number for the Virtual Server owner.
    • Expiration: Specify the expiry date, in dd/mm/yyyy format. The default expiration date is 01/01/2050.
    • Server ID: This field cannot be modified. It displays the system generated id for the server.
    • Enabled: A tick on this field, default value, specifies the Virtual Server will is for uses. Clink on this field to change the setting.
    • Admin Login Name: Type the name to be used by the Virtual Server administrator to log into Virtual Server Administration. The default setting is the Virtual Server ID.
    • Admin Password: Type the name to be used by the Virtual Server administrator to log into Virtual Server Administration.
    • About Box HTML: Type information that will display when the user clicks Help/About. HTML tags can be used to format the content of the information.
  5. When you have completed the form, click the Create button to create the new server. The form values can be reset at any time by clicking the Reset button.
  6. The message "New Server Created" and "BACK" will display. Click BACK to return to the Master Administration form.
    Note: The Virtual Server Administrator (owner) will need to be provided with the Virtual Server Administrator URL, the Administration Login Name, and the Administration Password. The Administration URL has this format: domain/masteradmin where domain is the domain for your master server. The URL can also include the server ID parameter; if so, the administrator is only required to provide the administration password - e.g. domain/masteradmin/?serverid="Virtual server id".

Edit Virtual Server Information

You need to be at the Master Administration main form.

  1. Locate the Virtual Server you wish to edit.
  2. Click on the Edit link associated with the selected server.
  3. The Master Administration form with the completed fields for the Virtual server will display. This is similar to the form displayed when a new Virtual Server is created. There are two additional fields:
    • Max Rooms: Defines the maximum number of rooms that can be created in that Virtual Server. A value of "0" is used for an unlimited number of rooms.
    • Max Users: Specifies the maximum number of users for the Virtual Server. A value of "0" is used for an unlimited number of users.
  4. Make your changes and press the Update button.
  5. The message New Server Updated and BACK will display. Click BACK to return to the Master Administration form.

Delete a Virtual Server

Access the Master Administration main form.
  1. Locate the Virtual Server you wish to delete.
  2. Click on the Del action associated with the selected Virtual Server.
  3. A popup will display saying "This will permanently remove the server. There is no undo of this action".
  4. Click the OK button to continue - or the Cancel button if you wish to cancel this action. When you click "Cancel" you will be returned directly to the Master Administration Form.
  5. The message Server Deleted and BACK will display. Click BACK to return to the Master Administration form.
  6. Click to watch a Master Configuration movie demo

Open a Virtual Server

Access the Master Administration main form.
  1. Locate the Virtual Server you wish to open.
  2. Click on the Virtual Server ID for the Virtual Server you wish to open; this is located in the first field of the chosen row.
    When you select this action, you will change from being a Master Administrator to a Virtual Server Administrator. The password you used as a Master Administrator will also give you complete access to the Virtual Server and the Room Administration functions.
  3. The Virtual Server form will display.
  4. The Virtual Server Administration functions are covered in the Virtual Server Administration User Guide. Click on the following link to view that article. You can bypass the first couple of steps in that article since you are already signed on.

    Click to view Virtual Server Administration Guide

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Article details
Article ID: 18
Category: Administration
Date added: 2010-12-07 15:47:48
Views: 2262
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.1/5.0 (85)

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