Audience: This article is intended for those individuals using Windows and Google Chrome with the downloaded version of the plugin.
The only function of the Browser with the Web Conferencing Technology is to launch the application/plugin on your computer.
When you use Google Chrome you will be presented with a dialog saying you will be launching an external application to handle tc5 links. There are three options on this dialog: a) Launch Application, b) Do Nothing and c) a select box labeled Remember my choice for all links of this type. If you choose Launch Application the plugin will launch and you will continue to log into a room. If you choose Do Nothing it will do just that, nothing! If you also select the option to Remember my choice ... you will not see this dialog again. That will be perfectly acceptable and, in fact, desirable, should you choose Launch Application. However, if you choose Do Nothing when Remember my choice... is selected, it will remember that choice and always do nothing!
The following steps describe the process needed to undo the remembering of a selected choice when using Windows 7. (The process for Windows XP is discussed later).
The dialog will again be displayed.
Process for XP systems and/or Windows 7 users using explorer to navigate to the Locate State file.
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