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Text Chat messaging with MAC users using VoiceOver


Updated July 2012

MAC users with sight disabilities would use VoiceOver, Apple's screen-access technology. This tutorial explains how to send and read text chat messages when using MAC computers with VoiceOver/

Sending Text Chat Messages

  1. Press the Tab key to navigate to the different areas of the Web Conference room.
  2. After you tab to the Text Chat read area, hold down the Control key and press the Tab key - you will be positioned at the Text Chat entry area.
  3. Type your message and press return.

Reading Text Chat Messages

  1. Tab to the Text Chat read area.
  2. Use the Up and Down arrows to navigate through the text chat entries.

WARNING: When you are in the Text Chat read area you must, hold down the Control key and press the Tab key before continuing with the tab sequence. This is a temporary issue and will be corrected.

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Article details
Article ID: 97
Category: Accessibility
Date added: 2012-07-11 15:03:05
Views: 1221
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.1/5.0 (65)

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