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Recording Mode Options


Standard recordings record the public text chat conversations, the closed captioning text, the audio conversations and the URLs for the pages shown in the co-browser. Therefore when the recording is viewed an Internet connection is required to display the recorded URLs.

Optionally if the Image recording mode option is selected, when a recording is started, the content displayed in the co-browser will be saved in JPG image files. Therefore when recordings created in this manner are viewed an Internet Connection is not required. The image content however will not be accessible for screen reader users.

Converting existing standard recordings

Standard recordings can be converted to use JPG files for the reordered URLs by using the free RecordingConverter utility. The recording can be viewed standalone without needing an Internet connection. The image content however will not be accessible for screen reader users.

RecordingConverter installation and use:

  2. Click Run if you are using Internet Explorer - with other browsers you will need to download and save the file and Run the file you saved
  3. Click Run to accept the validation and continue installing the utility.
  4. Click Accept
  5. Click Browse to choose the destination folder for the utility - C:\tcConference is recommended
  6. Click Browser to choose the recording to convert
  7. Click Start

The converted recording will be saved in folder named CD within the original recording folder. This folder can use used to create a standalone CD for this recording.

Note: TheRecordingConverter is a Windows application. It was created prior to the availability of Windows 7 and therefore you may notice compatibility warning messages.

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Article details
Article ID: 96
Category: Recording
Date added: 2012-07-05 21:17:28
Views: 961
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.0/5.0 (63)

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