The free iPhone/iPAD app, tcConference, is available from the Apple App Store.
The app requires iOS 5 or newer; therefore, you'll need an iPhone 3GS (or newer) or any iPAD.
To stop the app press the Home button.
You may also manually launch the app as follows:
Usually this information will be provided by the conference room administrator/owner, or by your host.
If you have access to a room login URL (i.e. a link on a web page) you can use that URL to determine to values for Server and Room ID. The format of the URL will be similar to "" (if you have a different room login URL format, the room will have been set up to use a custom login process, and you will need to contact the room administrator/owner for the required information).
The domain name - e.g - is the server value you'll need, and the 14 characters located after the "id=" is the room ID you'll need.
Note: If you know the IP address of the domain name, you can use that address for the Server value.
From time to time new versions of the app will be made available. These new versions will fix bugs, add new features or both.
To determine if a new version is available, go to the App Store and search for tcConference. If a new version is available, UPDATE will be displayed in top right corner. Click UPDATE and follow the prompts to install the new app.
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