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How To Create and Submit a Problem Ticket


How To Create and Submit a Problem Ticket

It is our desire at Talking Communities to respond to your questions, comments and concerns as quickly as we possibly can. Problems require speedy remedies ... whether in the form of "How To's", bug fixes, or knowledge requirements.

The technology, while amazingly solid and reliable, exists in a complex environment. There are thousands of lines of application software coding. There is the Internet with all its varying levels of sophistication. And, of course, there's one's personal computer which can be configured in literally thousands of ways.

When submitting a problem ticket, it is important that you provide as much information as you can. The ticket input form has several selection fields to help simplify the collecting of pertinent information concerning your environment. However, there will be times when you have additional information (such as system messages) to help our support staff diagnose and find solutions for you. The priority field tells us your level of urgency and will help us prioritize our work load to better serve you.

Submitting a ticket is quite simple. Click Submit a Ticket, fill out the form, and click "Submit Ticket".

Almost immediately after ticket submission, you will receive an email reply with the ticket number. Keep this information so you can easily review the status of your ticket. You will receive an email notification when our support staff answers your question.

If you have additional information you feel would be helpful, you can attach files to the problem ticket. To include a screen shot, you would have to first copy the screen contents into a file, and then attach that file. With Windows 7 you can use the Snipping Tool and create PNG files directly from the tool. With XP you will need to create a image file using an image editor, or paste the screen shot into a Word document and attach that file.

If, in your opinion, the issue has been resolved, you may close the ticket. If the answer/explanation does not resolve the issue, it is important that you let us know by replying. If you fail to reply, the ticket will automatically close after a time and our support staff will be unaware there is an unresolved issue.

You can track your tickets at any time by clicking View existing tickets, providing the ticket ID and clicking View Ticket. You can reopen resolved tickets at any time.

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Article ID: 8
Category: How To
Date added: 2010-11-12 22:44:56
Views: 1742
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.1/5.0 (108)

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