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How to use Uploaded PowerPoint Presentations with the MAC Plugin

Solution Updated March 2012

Please note that the details contained in this tutorial are for the “Document Center” and NOT for the “Web Document Center”. The concepts are the same, but the procedure may differ. The Document Center utility provided with the Windows plugin is not currently available with the Mac plugin. However, with a bit of fiddling, a Mac user can push uploaded PowerPoint pages. The PowerPoint file must first be uploaded on a Windows PC by a Web Conference Room Moderator.

Scenario 1: - Using PowerPoint Files Uploaded with the HTML Option

  1. Using the Windows plugin, upload the presentation employing the Document Center. Remember to choose the HTML option.
  2. For each file in the presentation an HTML page is created. The URL is as follows: where
    • rs8xxxxxxxxxxx = your room id
    • yourprez = the presentation name
    • slide0036 = the slide number

    It is this URL that will be used to display each slide.

  3. Unfortunately, with PowerPoint, the order of the slides may not follow sequentially - i.e. slide #2 may not follow slide #1. Therefore, you need to determine the presentation slide order as follows:
    • Load this URL into the browser: - ignore the information displayed.
    • Right mouse click and choose View Source. The slide order will be displayed in the first part of the listing.
  4. Log into the room as a moderator, using the Mac plugin.
  5. Type (or paste) into the browser the URL for the first slide and press Enter. The URL will be pushed to the co-browser for all the room participants/guests.
  6. For the next slide, replace the slide number in the URL for the next slide and press Enter.
  7. Follow this procedure for the remainder of the presentation.

To simplify showing of the next slidem you could add you own hyperlinks to the presentation - see scenario 3.

Scenario 2: - Using PowerPoint Files Uploaded with the GIF or JPG Options

  1. Via the Windows plug-in, use the Document Center to upload the presentation - choose either the GIF or JPG option.
  2. For each file in the presentation an html page is created. The URL is as follows - where
    • rs8xxxxxxxxxxx = your room id
    • yourprez = the presentation name
    • slide0036 = the slide number

    It is this URL you will use to display each slide.

  3. For this scenario, the slide numbers will be sequential; however, the image seen will, obviously, not be accessible.
  4. Log into the room as a moderator using the Mac plugin.
  5. Type (or paste) into the browser, the URL for the first slide and press Enter. The URL will be pushed to the co-browser for all the room attendees.
  6. For the next slide, simply insert the new slide number in the address line (URL) and press Enter.
  7. Follow this procedure for the remainder of the presentation.

Scenario 3: - Using the PowerPoint File with Custom Previous Page and Next Page Navigation"

Demonstration : copy the following URL into the co-browser:
Download presentation source: Download

To accomplish this:

  1. Use the PowerPoint File / Save As and choose Web Page as the "type".
  2. With the Document Center, upload the folder created in the previous step.
  3. Use the Document Center to load the uploaded folder into the co-browser.
  4. Click on the xxx.htm file - where xxx is the name of your saved presentation.
Alternatively, replace steps 3 and 4 with as the URL where
rsxxxxxxxxxxxx = your room id
xxx = saved presentation name

PowerPoint Save as Web Page Publishing Settings

After clicking File / Save As / Web Page ..., you will need to set the following publishing options:
  • Do not include Navigational Controls.
  • Save all files into the same folder.
  • Ensure that the folder name AND the presentation name is exactly the same. This is not absolutely necessary, but should you choose to use different names in future, you would need to modify the previous instructions for this scenario.
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Article details
Article ID: 68
Category: How To
Date added: 2011-03-07 05:00:43
Views: 1281
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.1/5.0 (68)

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