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Using Desktop Sharing

Solution (For Windows Only)

Updated March 2012

Desktop Sharing is a feature included with the technology to show the content of your desktop to all participants and moderators in the tcConference room.

This article will explain how to start and then use Desktop Sharing on your computer. First, we'll cover how to share the entire desktop; that discussion will be followed by demonstrating how to share only a portion of your desktop. Desktop Sharing can be initiated only by moderators.

The audience will see everything on your desktop. Therefore, you should ensure that any confidential or personal information, is not visible (or could become visible) before activating Desktop Sharing.

Sharing the entire desktop

The Steps:

  1. Log into the room as a moderator.
  2. Click the Administration menu.
  3. Click Desktop Sharing. The five-button Desktop Sharing menu will be displayed. (If you don't see this menu, make sure it is not hiding under one of the other windows).
  4. Activate the furthest left Start Desktop Sharing button.

After Desktop Sharing has started, the online audience will see everything you do ... everything on your desktop will be visible.

Sharing a Portion of Your Desktop

The Steps:

  1. Log into the room as a moderator.
  2. Click the Administration menu.
  3. Activate Desktop Sharing. The five-button Desktop Sharing menu will be displayed. (If you don't see this menu, make sure it is not hiding under one of the other windows).
  4. Click the Find Window to Share button (third button).
  5. Press and hold the Left mouse button over the Finder tool.
  6. Drag the Finder tool over the window you wish to select.
  7. Release the Left mouse button. The portion of the desktop within the selected window will be shared. You are not sharing the window but the area occupied by the window. Therefore, if you move anything into that area, it will be shared and visible to participants and other moderators.
  8. Click the Start Desktop Sharing button (first button)

After Desktop Sharing has started, the online audience will see everything you do and everything you selected in that particular area of the desktop.

Note : To switch from sharing your complete desktop to sharing a portion of your desktop (or the reverse), stop the current Desktop Sharing session and follow the appropriate steps shown above.

Stopping Desktop Sharing

When Desktop Sharing is started, the application's icon is moved to the System Tray (Systray) area - it is labeled Desktop Viewer is running.
  1. Find the Desktop Sharing is running icon and double click on the icon. The five-button Desktop Sharing menu will be displayed. Or right click on the icon and select Exit
  2. Click the Close desktop sharing button (fifth or last button)

Desktop Sharing will be stopped.

Desktop Sharing Menu

The menu has the five following options:
  • Start Desktop Sharing - to start Desktop Sharing
  • Pause/Stop - to pause a Desktop Sharing Session - press the Start Desktop Sharing button to resume Desktop Sharing
  • Find Window to share - select portion of desktop to share
  • Talk - click to lock Talk Key - existing Talk Key shortcuts and buttons can still be used
  • Close desktop sharing - stop Desktop Sharing
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Article details
Article ID: 26
Category: Desktop Sharing
Date added: 2011-01-23 20:48:49
Views: 1234
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.1/5.0 (72)

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