The Web Conference room technology has several menu options. This article describes each option. Defined hot-keys/shortcuts for specific options are shown between parentheses () beside the option.
Click on any of the following links to go directly to that topic!
File Menu - Actions Menu - View Menu - Options Menu - Recording Menu - Administration Menu - Help Menu - Context Menu - Sub Menu -
The File menu is used to open presentations, save text chats, change audio settings, specify your status, exit the room, etc. Each option is described below:
The Options Menu is used to configure different Web Conference Room features such as the Talk Key or background color. Each option is described below:
The Recording menu is used to start, stop, pause and publish recordings. Recording will contain everything that occurred during a meeting such as the audio, public text chatting (private text chatting is excluded) and the URL for the web pages pushed.
(only available to Room Moderators)
The Administration menu has various options, providing the Moderator with means to administer/control the room, as well as to launch utilities such as Desktop Sharing and the Document Center.
The Help menu links you to online help documentation and forums and provides details about the technology.
The context menu is another means for a Moderator to manage the conference room. The Context Menu is displayed by right clicking beside the user icon in the user list.
Some of these options are also available from the Administration Menu and the sub menus.
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