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Conference Room Menus for Windows

Solution This article describes the options provided with the Menu Bar (including Sub-Menus) and Context Menu.

The Web Conference room technology has several menu options. This article describes each option. Defined hot-keys/shortcuts for specific options are shown between parentheses () beside the option.

Click on any of the following links to go directly to that topic!

File Menu - Actions Menu - View Menu - Options Menu - Recording Menu - Administration Menu - Help Menu - Context Menu - Sub Menu -

File Menu

The File menu is used to open presentations, save text chats, change audio settings, specify your status, exit the room, etc. Each option is described below:

  • Open Recordings: Recordings consist of an MP3 file, and several Javascript and HTML files. These files are contained in a folder with the same name as the recording. The recording folders are kept in a specified location. Using this option you can specify the destination folder, delete recordings, inspect the recording folder contents and preview recordings.
  • Open Recordings Folders:Opens recording folders for inspection.
  • Save Text Chat: Save the public text chat into a specified file.
  • Microphone Settings: Launches the Windows Control Panel Sound Recording volume control dialog.
  • Speaker Settings: Launches the Windows Control Panel Sound Playback volume control dialog.
  • My Status: Permits setting the status to On-line or Away. When set to "away" a small clock icon will appear beside your name in the participant list in your room. Everyone else in the room will see the clock icon beside your name, and will know that you are "away". The status can be set back to "online" by pressing the Talk Key or by selecting the On-Line option in the menu.
  • Enable Drop Packets: Used to help resolve Internet congestion issues. When enabled, and if detecting congestion, the technology will discard some of the audio packets which were sent to the server but will better synchronize other activities. A slight degradation of the received audio will be noticed.
  • Receive Video: Will open a small floating window to show the video captured by the individual who is talking.
  • Send Video: When selected the video from the webcam (or other video source) will be sent to everyone in the room when you are speaking (that is, when you have pushed or locked the Talk key).
  • Video Always on top: Forces the floating video to always be on top.
  • Exit (Alt+F4): Exits the room.

Actions Menu

The Actions Menu is used to disable the talk key, mute the speakers, lock the talk key, set the scope of the talk key, etc. Many of the Action Menu options are toggle switches - click once to activate - click again to deactivate - or, where available, to use the shortcut. A tick beside each option, plus status bar messages, will indicate that the option is activated. Each option is described below:
  • Disable Talk Key( Alt+D): The default Talk Key is the Ctrl key. You would select this option if there is a need to "turn off" the talk key. For example, if you're working in a different window, you wouldn't want to have people see your "hand being raised" in the room! But remember to "toggle" this option if you do wish to speak.
  • Mute Speakers (Alt+Q:
  • Use to mute and unmute the audio output.
  • Lock Talk Key (Alt+L): Use to lock and unlock the Talk Key. Select this option to lock the talk key and provide a hands-free environment. Remember to unselect this option when you have finished speaking.
  • Global Talk Key (Alt+G): When selected the talk key can be activated form anywhere on the desktop. When it is "deselected", the talk key can only be activated when the Web Conference application is in focus.
  • Disable All Sound Effects: When selected, all the sound effects generated by the technology will be suppressed.
  • Full Screen Browser: When selected, the text chat, user list and audio control windows will be hidden and the user will have a full screen co-browser visible. To "unhide" the hidden windows click the Full Screen Browser icon. When a moderator with "Follow Me" enabled uses this option, the display for all users in the room will also be modified.
  • Switch to Smart/Normal Mode: When selected, the co-browser window will be hidden. Only the text chat, user list, and public chat windows will be seen, along with the microphone and speaker icons. To once again see the co-browser, simply "de-select" the Smart/Normal Mode option. When a moderator, with "Follow Me" enabled, uses this option the display for all users in the room will also be modified.
  • Disable Popup Blocker: Select to disable the popup blocker.
  • Sharing Folders: Provides a location where moderators can add and delete files they wish to share. All users can download the files in shared folder to their computer.
  • Invite Users: A utility inviting others to an event using the Web Conference room. The user would complete the form, add the email addresses for the recipients and send the invitation.

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View Menu

You can choose to hide or show different features of the technology. Each option is a toggle switch - click once to display the feature - click again to stop displaying the feature. A tick will be shown beside the option when it has been selected. Each option is described below:
  1. Status Bar: Show or hide the Status bar - positioned along the bottom of the window.
  2. Toolbar: Show or hide the tool bar.
  3. Full Screen (Alt+Shift+F): When selected, the text chat, user list and audio control windows will be hidden and the user will have a full screen co-browser visible. To "unhide" the hidden windows click the Full Screen Browser: icon. When a moderator with "Follow Me" enabled uses this option the display for all users in the room will also be modified.
  4. Compact View (Alt+Shift+G): When selected the co-browser window will be hidden when selected the text chat, user list and audio control windows will be hidden and the user will have a full screen co-browser visible. To unhide the hidden windows click the Full Screen Browser icon. When a moderator with "Follow Me" enabled uses this option the display for all users in the room will also be modified. and the user will have the text chat and audio control windows visible. To unhide to co-browser unselect this option. When a moderator with "Follow Me" enabled uses this option the display for all users in the room will also be modified
  5. Volume Controls: Show or hide the microphone and speaker icons in the audio control area.
  6. Hide when minimized: When selected the Web Conference Room is showing in the systray area rather than the task bar area when the Web Conference Room is minimized.

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Options Menu

The Options Menu is used to configure different Web Conference Room features such as the Talk Key or background color. Each option is described below:

  • Accessibility: Use to show an extended menu for setting accessibility options.
    • Screen Focus: Use to navigate to different areas of the virtual room.
      • Browser Address Bar (Alt+A): Positions cursor at the browser address.
      • Browser Navigation (F6): After clicking, use the arrow keys to scroll up or down and left or right.
      • User List (F7): After clicking, use the arrow keys to select a particular user.
      • Text Chat Entry (F8): Positions the cursor at the text chat input area where you can type your text chat message.
      • Text Chat Message (F9): Positions the cursor at the text chat viewing window.
    • Speech Options:

    • The following items enable/disable different notification announcements. When the option(s) is/are enabled, an announcement will be made when the event occurs - e.g. when a user enters the room you will hear: "(Name) has entered the room". It acts as an on/off switch - click once to enable - click again to disable.
    • Use Accessible Text Chat: Activates accessible text chat so the text chat will work with screen readers.
    • Read Public Text Chat: Reads the public chat messages.
    • Read Private Text Chat: When activated, reads private chat messages.
    • Say Who Enters Room: Announces when users enter the room.
    • Say Who Leaves Room: Announces when a user leaves the room.
    • Say When Status Changes: Announces when a user's status changes - from away to online or vice versa
    • Read Desktop sharing buttons:
    • Use accessible documents:
  • Configure SAPI volume: Displays a dialog to set the SAPI volume.
  • Say Who is Speaking (Alt+E): When selected, an announcement will be made when a user comes up to speak.
  • Text Chat: Use to specify the following text chat options:
    • Time Stamp Chat Entries: Select this option if you want to time-stamp chat messages.
    • Change Background Color: Use this option to change the background color of the room. A dialog will guide you through the change.
    • Text Color Override: Use this option to enable and choose the text color for the text chat. When enabled all text chat messages will display the color you have selected.
      • Enable: Enables Text Chat Override
      • Choose override color: Display dialog to choose override color
    • Clear: Clears text chat messages.
    • Detach Text Chat: Opens a floating text chat dialog.
  • Configure Talk Key: Using this option allows you to configure another key combination for the Talk Key. A dialog will guide you through the change.
  • Configure Full Duplex: Configures Full Duplex options.
  • Configure Talk Sounds: Using this option provides the ability to change the media files used to identify the sounds played when, for example, a Moderator or Participant pushes or releases the Talk Key or when she/he enters and leaves the conference room. A dialog will guide you through the change.
  • Show Enter Leave Users:Will display messages in the text chat window indicating when users enter or leave the web conference room.
  • Show/Hide Closed Caption bar: Display or hide the closed caption window
  • Configure Closed Captions: Configure the appearance of the closed caption window.
  • Languages: Selects language choice for the room.
  • Configuration: Use to configure: sign in options, proxy and SOCS server options, miscellaneous options and video call settings.

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    Recording Menu

    The Recording menu is used to start, stop, pause and publish recordings. Recording will contain everything that occurred during a meeting such as the audio, public text chatting (private text chatting is excluded) and the URL for the web pages pushed.

    • Start/Stop Recording (Alt+R): Use this option to start and stop recordings. A "tick" is shown beside this option and a message will display in the status area when you are recording. Also, an icon will appear beside the user's name, showing that the person is recording.
    • Pause Recording (Alt+P): Using this option will pause a recording or continue a recording after it has been paused. When paused, a tick will be shown beside this option and a message will be displayed in the status area when the recording is paused.
    • Publish Recording: Use this option to publish the recording to a web site. You will, of course, need the FTP parameters.

    Administration Menu

    (only available to Room Moderators)

    The Administration menu has various options, providing the Moderator with means to administer/control the room, as well as to launch utilities such as Desktop Sharing and the Document Center.

    • Favorites: Displays a dialog to add the URL to Favorites and to View and select Saved Favorites.
    • Send Current Page (F2): Use to push the current web page to all users.
    • Replay Center: Starts the player tool to play selected recordings.
    • Follow Me (F3): Use to enable "pushing" every change in your browser to all other users. It acts as an on/off switch - click once to enable - click again to disable. When enabled, a tick will be shown beside Follow Me and its indication of use will be shown in the status bar. An icon will also be displayed beside the moderator's name showing that Follow Me has been enabled.
    • Full Duplex Conversation: Establishes full duplex conversations (more than one speaker can talk simultaneously). When initiated, moderators will be able to "interrupt" other moderators or participants when they are speaking. A "tick" will appear beside this option when it is checked. Clicking this option again will disable full duplex. The recommendation is that only one moderator, or definitely no more than two, enable full duplex. Full duplex requires a great deal of bandwidth; and over-use will cause speech delays.
    • Closed Captions: Use to start the closed caption transcription dialog.
    • Lock Room: When selected, the room will be locked. Non-Moderators will NOT be able to enter the room. Moderators must remember to "uncheck" this option to open the room to participants.
    • Moderated Text Chat: When selected by any moderator in the room, displays a message to all moderators asking what action should be taken with text a particular chat message: the options being to send the message to everyone, delete the message or delete all future messages from a specific user.
    • Poll Users: Push questions requesting responses from each user. The individual responses are received by the moderator who requested the response. The moderator may choose to publish the summary of the responses to the text chat.
    • Document Center: Click to launch the Document Center. The Document Center is a tool for managing documents and archives.
    • Desktop Sharing: Click to launch Desktop Sharing. Desktop Sharing is a tool for sharing the activities on your desktop with other users.
    • Clear Speaker: Clear the selected speaker from the talk queue.
    • Clear All Speakers : Clear all queued speakers from the talk queue.
    • Block Private Text Chat: Prevents the use of private text chatting.
    • Disconnect Selected User: Removes a selected user from the room.
    • Disconnect All Users: Removes all users from the room. This option is used when a moderator wishes to clear the room and then lock it.
    • Audio Mute Selected User: Mutes audio for the selected user.
    • Audio Mute All Users: Mutes the audio for all users. It acts as an on/off switch - click once to enable - click again to disable. When enabled, a tick will be shown beside the option.
    • Text Mute Selected User: Mutes text chatting by a selected speaker.
    • Text Mute All Users: Mutes text chatting for all users. It acts as an on/off switch - click once to enable - click again to disable. When enabled, a tick will be shown beside the option, and appropriate text will show in the status bar.
    • Disable Mic button of Users: Disables the talk key for all users in the room.
    • Show/Unblock banned users: Displays any currently banned users and, optionally, removes the ban for any of the chosen users in the list.
    • Send "Rate this Meeting for users: Asks users to evaluate the meeting. They will be giving a form where they can rate the meeting from 1 to 5 and add textual comments. The results are available from the Room Administration tool. Of course, moderators will need the password for the "admin page" to access these ratings/comments.
    • Start or Stop Video Call: Use to start a 1 to many video transmission or a 4-way video conference.

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    Help Menu

    The Help menu links you to online help documentation and forums and provides details about the technology.

    • Online Help (F1): Provides access to online help material.
    • About Web Conference: Provides pertinent information about the technology - for example, the version number.
    • Run Voice Diagnostic Tool: A tool used to evaluate audio performance.

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    Context Menu

    The context menu is another means for a Moderator to manage the conference room. The Context Menu is displayed by right clicking beside the user icon in the user list.

    Some of these options are also available from the Administration Menu and the sub menus.

    • Send a private message: Click on this option to send a private message to the selected user. A separate window will open and the content of the message will be restricted to you and the selected user. Several private messages can be occurring at the same time.
      Note: This is the only Context Menu item that is available to non-moderators. Of course, any participant can place a check beside their name if they are away for a time. Upon return, they can either check "Online" or simply touch the talk button.
    • Send Nudge: Alerts speaker that some action is required of him or her.
    • Asks user to share their desktop: Self-explanatory.
    • Disconnect Selected User: Used by Moderator to remove the selected user from the room.
    • Disconnect All Users: Used, again by Moderator, to remove all users from the room.
    • Ban UserThe Moderator uses this option to "kick" users from the room and permanently ban them (that is, the computer they are using) from further access to the conference room.
    • Clear Speaker: Used to clear the current speaker from the talk queue.
    • Clear All Speakers: Used to clear the current speaker, as well as all users waiting to speak, from the talk queue.
    • Audio Mute Selected User: Mutes the audio for the selected user.
    • Audio Mute All Users: Mutes the audio for all users. It acts as an on/off switch - click once to enable - click again to disable. When enabled, a tick will be shown beside the item.
    • Text Mute Selected User:Prevents text chatting for the selected speaker.
    • Text Mute All Users: Prevents text chatting for all participants (exclusive of Moderators). It acts as an on/off switch - click once to enable - click again to disable. When enabled, a tick will be shown beside the item and corresponding text is shown in the status bar.
    • Online:Displays your online status. It will be greyed out when other users are selected.
    • Away: Displays to others that you are temporarily away. It will be greyed out when other users are selected.

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    Sub Menu

    Launch buttons for commonly used features. These buttons are not accessible.
    • Follow Me: Used by a Moderator to enable pushing all changes in his/her browser to all other users. It acts as an on/off switch - click once to enable - click again to disable. When enabled, the icon's background will turn red, the word "SYNC" will appear in the status bar, and a green "stick man" will appear to the right of the Moderator's name.
    • Clear Speaker: Clears the selected speaker from the talk queue.
    • Lock Room: Used to prevent additional non-moderators from entering the room.
    • Full Duplex: Initiates full duplex conversations. When initiated, moderators will be able to speak simultaneously with any other speaker. Clicking again on this icon will disable full duplex. It is recommended that only one, or at most two, moderators have full duplex activated. When selected, the background color of the microphone will turn to red. To "unselect" full duplex, the icon must be clicked once again.LI>
    • Search: Enter user name and click to search list for the name.
    • Sharing Folders: Provides a location where moderators can add and delete files they wish to share. All users can download the files in the shared folder to their computers.
    • Invite Users: A utility inviting others to an event using the Web Conference room. The user would complete the form, add the email addresses for the recipients and send the invitation.
    • Switch to Smart/Normal Mode: When selected, the co-browser window will be hidden. Only the text chat, user list, and public chat windows will be seen, along with the microphone and speaker icons. To again see the co-browser, click on the same icon again.

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    Article ID: 25
    Category: General
    Date added: 2011-01-21 23:53:11
    Views: 3171
    Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.2/5.0 (92)

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