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Using Android tcConference app


Created June 2015

Download and install the tcConference app from Google Play.

To use the app you need to know the Server (name or IP address), the Room ID, the User Name and Password.

For the Server use or

For the Room ID use the 14 character value for the id= found in the login URL or ask the Room Owner. Individuals using the Community Builder will need to contact the Commuity Builder Administrator. The User Name is free form text - your group may have a structure they require. The Password, if it is required, will be provided by the Room Owner or the Community Builder Administrator.

  1. Launch the app.
  2. Fill in the four values - these values will be remembered.
  3. Press the Log In button - the button label will change to Disconnect. 
  4. You are now in the room and can choose the Co-browser to view ccontent pushed to you or the Chat/Voice to tect chat or speak,
  5. In the text chat window you will see the text mesages and can compose your own message.
  6. Press SEND to send the text chat message. 
  7. To speak press the TALK button.
  8. When you have finished speaking you MUST press Stop Talk to permit others to speak.
  9. To Log out go back to the Log In page and click Disconnect.

In this first version you have to manually provide the Server and room id. Hopefully in the future you will launch the app using a login URL that will pass those values to the app.



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Article details
Article ID: 111
Category: How To
Date added: 2015-06-09 00:12:24
Views: 2060
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.3/5.0 (54)

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