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Uploaded PowerPoint and Browser Cache


Created: November 2015

The purpose of this tutorial is discuss browser cache and the impact that might have
when conducting meetings and webinars.

Browser cache, referred to as cache, is temporary storage located on your
computer for files downloaded
by browsers to display webpages. Files that are cached locally include any
elements that make up a webpage - text, images, multimedia and so forth.

The scenarios we will discuss are not because of deficiencies with the Talking Communities
technology but rather with the design, structure, and operation of the Internet.

We will focus on PowerPoint files in this tutorials but the points discussed equally
apply to any resources used for meetings and webinars.

PowerPoint files file are converted from a Microsoft  Proprietary  format to HTML when the Web Document Center
is used. A collection of files are created for each PowerPoint slide and each slide has its own URL.
Essentially each slide is a webpage.

When URLs are initially loaded into a browser, or the Talking Communities Co-Browser,
the files associated with the URL are first downloaded to cache. The files in cache are used
by browser to perform the specified actions - such as displaying the content of the webpage.

Actually, when URL are loaded the browser first examines
cache to determine if the files for the URL exists in cache. If the files do exist the browser will use those
files to display the content. If changes have been made to the files those changes will not be seen until the
browser has been asked to refresh the cache for that page.

We do recommend moderators view each PowerPoint page before using them in meetings and webinars. This will load
the files into the moderator's cache thus ensuring the pages will be displayed quickly. If changes have been made to
any of the PowerPoint pages the moderator should request the co-browser refresh the pages  that have been altered.
If there  have been numerous modifications it may be better to clear all the cache for Internet Explorer (for
windows) or Safari (for MAC) - the co-browser uses setting for these browsers.

During meetings and webinars uploaded PowerPoint pages can be pushed to every guest in the room (i.e. Follow Me
is enabled). The same process as described above will occur for each guest - URL content will be added to
cache when the URLS are pushed. The cache will be examined and used to display the pages when the files
are available in cache.

If guests have previously been in meetings or webinars where a PowerPoint has been used and, the PowerPoint
has been modified, the guest will not see the most recent pages. They will have to refresh the cache for each of the
modified pages. The activities the moderator performed to ensure the content in cache is current will have no
impact on the cache for any of the guests. As stated previously this the way the Internet is built. The problem
being is how to inform the guests on which pages to refresh. The tips below offer some suggestions.

The falling comments are only pertinent when a PowerPoint has previously been used, been modified since last
time, and the audience consist of individuals who were guests at the earlier meeting or webinar.

  1. >Provide pre event instructions suggesting the guests clear the cache for Internet Explorer when using Windows or for Safari when using MACs. The cache should be cleared for mobile devices as well.
  2. A more professional approach would be incorporate versioning the PowerPoint material. For example if the name of the PowerPoint is "myppt" use "myppt_v01" initially, "myppt_v02" for the next edition and so on. Since the URL will be different each time the files will not exist in cache and the most recent pages will be displayed. Additional house cleaning, such as removing older versions, will be required. Care must be exercised when a PowerPoint is used with recordings so you don't remove a PowerPoint for an archive that is still active.
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Article details
Article ID: 116
Category: Possible Issues
Date added: 2015-11-15 18:18:35
Views: 1313
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.3/5.0 (46)

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